What The World Would Be Like Without Digital Marketing

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A world without digital marketing is impossible to fathom. Digital marketing is the reason the world has been converted into a singular market. Businesses can sell in any part of the world. Demand of the product, and not distance or time or budget, is the only deciding factor for a company to sell their products and services.
A vast majority of the world spends time on the Internet. This alone is an opportunity for a business to take advantage of the situation, reach out to a potential customer, and influence their purchase decision. Hence, for the survival of a business in this digital day and age, digital marketing is a must!
Where there is no digital marketing, there is no marketing concept. There is no understanding consumer behaviour, there is no customer satisfaction. It’s like coming up with the same empty slate at the start of each day – no matter how much you write in it, it gets erased the next day and you have to start from scratch all over again.
We all have different preferences, even for the same product. Some of us like our coffee strong, some of us like more milk in it. Now think about this. You go to the same café every day. You order your type of coffee, just the way you like it. But the café doesn’t register your preference at any point. So you have to specify the same order, every single time. That’s what it feels like to have no digital marketing strategy.
Through a strong online marketing strategy, it is possible for a business to create a unique and personal bond with each and every one of its customers. In turn, the business can cater to varying needs all at once. This way, businesses make the experience more relevant.
We all lead very fast-paced lives. Hence, we prefer businesses that use data to create a more personal shopping experience for all of us. This way, more of the intended target audience is compelled to make purchase decisions. None of what you just read would be possible without digital marketing. No digital marketing means a business that 99% of the world doesn’t know about.
We share our information so that a business tailors the shopping experience to our preferences, so that a business can make our decisions for us! So that we receive quick updates about product releases or giveaways through smart email marketing campaigns. Because, to be honest, in times like these, we barely have any time!
Consider the traditional marketing methods. The cost of setting up an ad on a billboard, or the time and effort spent to distribute pamphlets for the launch of your new product. A lot of money spent for a meagre number of target audience. This was before digital marketing.
Now? Digital Ads. Blogs. Social Media Marketing. Content Marketing.Email Marketing Larger target audiences, lesser time, and, most importantly, only a fraction of the cost involved in traditional marketing! And did we mention 5X to 8X the return on investment?
Online marketing has allowed small businesses to reach out to customers without worrying too much about the cost involved. If it were not for digital marketing, bigger companies and multinationals would continue to reign supreme. It would lead to an unfair monopoly.
While small businesses are now punching above their weight, even individuals have benefitted. The rise of digital media and digital channels has naturally brought about a need for digital marketing. This need created jobs that we hadn’t heard of 15 years ago.
Digital marketing has enabled people to explore opportunities that are away from the conventional and so-called steady-income jobs.
And it is solely thanks to digital marketing in the first place, that learning has become more accessible. There are innumerable types of online learning at our disposal today. Free video lectures, certifications for professionals, distance learning programs – these are some of the ways in which one can take up adigital marketing course online.
Due to the availability of various digital marketing courses online, it has become extremely easy for one to take up digital marketing as a full-fledged profession. And since businesses are always trying to capture the audience’s attention first, they will do quite well to take help from a digital marketing professional. An expert can guide a business to great online success through a sound marketing strategy. A strategy that caters to specific customer needs, which in turn could pave way for innovation in the form of new products and services based on the consumption of the target audience.