Ultrasonic Cleaner For Efficient Cleaning Of Electronic And Electrical Device Connectors
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Submitted by: Dr Bob Sandor
Connectors are plug and socket devices that are used to connect wires and cables. They re used in computers and other electronic devices where they facilitate the data transmission process.
Interconnects are components that are used in electronic circuits to connect devices. Hundreds of them are used in numerous products. Over a period of time, dust, grease, flux and other contaminants accumulate in the circuits and electric plugs and sockets. These contaminants may render the fiber optic and electric connectors and interconnects useless. The best way to clean these delicate components without causing any potential damage or harm is to use an ultrasonic cleaner.
For ultrasonic cleaning the process is fairly simple and straight forward. Pour the cleaning solvent into the tank, carefully place the components that needs cleaning in the tank, ensure that the components are fully immersed in the cleaning liquid and then power on the ultrasonic cleaner. Ultrasonic cleaners or sonicators have transducers that generate ultrasonic sound waves fixed to the stainless steel tank s sides. These vibrate at frequencies that are directly proportional to the power of the electric motor. The ultrasonic waves that are generated agitate the cleaning liquid medium that s either plain water or the solvent-based. The agitation causes the formation of tiny microscopic bubbles that subsequently implode releasing an energetic stream of liquid energy that breaks the surface adhesion of the contaminant. This process is known as cavitation.
These high energy, power packed bubbles effectively collide with the exterior of the connectors and interconnects that are placed in the cleaning chamber. When the bubbles implode the liquid energy jet released through the implosion dislodges the contaminant without damaging the surface of the connectors.
For cleaning delicate components, ultrasonic cleaners have a smart and intelligent built-in technology known as the sweep mode. This feature ensures that no dead zones are formed in the cleaning liquid. Dead zones are areas in the cleaning liquid where no ultrasonic cleaning activity occurs. It would be a good idea to choose an ultrasonic cleaner with a sweep feature if you need to clean devices that have complex and intricately designed parts with blind holes, crevices, etc. Apart from this sweep technology, another extremely useful feature is the auto-degassing option. The degassing feature increases the efficacy of the ultrasonic cleaning process. The auto-degassing process removes trapped gases from the cleaning liquid. This is made possible through a specially designed ultrasonic vibration mode that is used exclusively for high precision cleaning. Gas bubbles in the liquid also impede cavitation. Auto degassing ensures that the cleaning liquid is ready for cleaning.
An added benefit of ultrasonic cleaning: the same cleaning fluid is effective for many runs before its cleaning power diminishes. You do not need a fresh cleaning solution each time you clean. To recycle the cleaning solution drain the tank after the cleaning cycle, filter the solvent to remove all the dirt from the cleaning session, rinse and wash the tank, and store the cleaning solution for reuse during the next cleaning session.
About the Author: Dr. Bob Sandor is a Director at Tovatech, a leading North American supplier of
ultrasonic cleaners
. When not busy running his company, he explores his fascination with the many aspects of various scientific & industrial devices. For more details on the above you can reach him through the
ultrasonic cleaner
section of his website.
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